Saturday, June 12, 2010

Monster Zucchini From Outer Space

The zucchs in the front yard garden have been our best growers. The plants themselves are healthy and thriving, to say the least, but when I was snooping to see if any fruit was emerging from the week-old flowers, I was stunned! There were already store sized zucchinis grown. Scout made a lovely dish, previously mentioned, of zucchini pancakes on Tuesday evening. When I went to grab a zucch for dinner last night, my jaw dropped. The thing, because it is a mutant, was huge and it was not alone.

Per a suggestion on Facebook from Kris K, I made stuffed zucchini for dinner last night. All of the stuffing came from our garden, except the cheese, which the making of our own may not be too far away. I stuffed the zucchini with zucchini that I shaved out of the middle of the fruit, carrots, tomatoes, onions and garlic, picked fresh from the back yard from the remnants of the winter garden, and mild cheddar. I baked it for 30 minutes at 350°F, wrapped in foil. It could have used more time; was a little crunchy, but totally delicious. 

There are several more like this. And when I am gone, I don't think Julia, who is house sitting, will be able to eat them all, so some of you should visit the garden and grab some dinner!! Just text Julia first so she doesn't call the cops on yo' ass!

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